06/05/2023 - Good performance of employees is essential for any company. In this context, training plays a major role for all professional and age groups. For this reason, Dinges Logistics has organized various seminars for the professional drivers over the past few weeks. Their performance has a strong influence on the company's success, as uneconomical driving and high damage charges can be very expensive for companies.
In their daily work, professional drivers are constantly confronted with a wide variety of complex, often unpredictable situations, in addition to the challenges that their job entails anyway. Precise work, a high awareness of safety, and important background knowledge to make the right decisions are therefore enormously important. In order to create ideal conditions for this, Dinges Logistics held voluntary seminars that go beyond the driver training courses required by law. The training courses cover the areas of damage prevention and economical driving and were each held for a full day with around 12 to 15 drivers. Two practical stations were set up for the damage prevention training - firstly, the station "Driving around obstacles in confined spaces" and secondly, the station "Reversing around corners using the passenger mirror". The tasks to be completed were evaluated and, in addition to this feedback, the drivers received recommendations for improvement to help them avoid potential damage in the future. Other content of this training included the correct ergonomic seating position as well as correct mirror adjustment. The other training measure focused on the topic of economical driving. Here, the drivers first drove a test route with the driving trainers without receiving any instructions. That was evaluated afterwards, the drivers received appropriate feedback and the negative points were worked through in a theoretical part. They then drove the test route again, but with specific instructions from the driving trainers. The training also focused on how fuel consumption and vehicle wear can be reduced by driving with foresight and in a way that protects the material.
The training measures implemented are primarily intended to raise drivers' awareness of the relevance of safe and economical workflows. This should reduce incidents of damage and increase the profitability of the company by lowering costs. However, the training measures are not only accompanied by benefits in terms of safety and economy, but also sustainability aspects are favored, in particular through reduced fuel consumption and fewer incidents or damage in the company's operational processes. "By evaluating previous incidents and fuel consumption statistics, we were able to customize the training content and execute it accordingly. The drivers were able to notice the difference in results between driving without instructions and driving with professional instructions. In this way, the new knowledge they had learned was deepened and can now be applied in the future," explains Daniel Hirschinger, Fleet Manager at Dinges Logistics. He is satisfied with the result of the training measures and is ambitious about the future. "In the future, too, the focus will be increasingly on further training opportunities for our drivers. The aim is to identify and address any weaknesses and continue to optimize performance. "